October is Audiology Awareness Month
Hearing loss can be a confusing experience that leaves you feeling discouraged, frustrated and isolated. October is Audiology Awareness Month, which means now is a great time to learn about life changes that can help make for a better tomorrow. Audiologists, including the experts at , can help identify hearing problems and recommend a treatment…
Increase in Hearing Loss for Service Workers

According to new research from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, a large number of workers in the Services sector – the largest sector in the U.S. industry – are at an elevated risk for developing hearing loss. This research was published in the International Journal of Audiology at the end of last…
Common Hearing Aid Myths
Ninety to 95 percent of mild to severe hearing loss cases could be successfully treated with hearing aids, but only about 20 percent of people who could benefit from the devices actually wear them. This is likely due to widespread misconceptions about hearing loss and hearing aids. Below are some of the most common hearing…
Flying with Hearing Loss
While you may not have any plans to fly in the immediate future, it is important to be prepared for when you do. Flying with hearing loss may seem complicated, but if you follow these tips below it will be smooth ride. Before You Leave Proper preparation is the key to success. Before you leave…
Uncommonly Common Hearing Issues
When you think of hearing problems, the first things that come to mind are probably hearing loss and ear infections. While these certainly top the list, the ears are complex structures and subject to a variety of hearing issues. Residents of Las Vegas might be diagnosed with hearing problems ranging from a ringing sensation to…
Don’t Let Hearing Loss Force You Into Early Retirement
Once upon a time, people were rewarded for career longevity with gold watches and pensions. The times may have changed, with fewer people remaining loyal to one company their entire lives, but improvements in health care have resulted in people pushing back the traditional retirement age and working well into their 60s or even 70s….
The Hidden Dangers of Cotton Swabs
They say you shouldn’t stick anything in your ear smaller than an elbow. Think that’s an old wives’ tale? A man from Coventry, England would beg to differ. Resist the Urge to Poke Around in There Many people in Las Vegas routinely clean their ears with cotton swabs or Q-tips. No big deal, right? After…
Hearing Loss & Diabetes
An estimated 30 million Americans – or one out of ten people in Las Vegas – has diabetes, making it one of the nation’s leading health concerns. Another 84 million have prediabetes, which means their odds of developing the disease within the next five years are markedly higher. There is a wide variety of potential…
Help Your Hearing Thrive from 9 to 5
Whether you work in an office or a less traditional setting, the only thing you really want to bring home from work is a steady paycheck. But many people in Las Vegas end up with job-related hearing loss. It’s the responsibility of your employer to ensure a safe environment in which to work, but why…
How to Shop Better with Hearing Loss
‘Tis the season…to shop ‘til you drop! Maneuvering through crowded shopping malls is difficult enough during the holidays; when you’ve got hearing loss, it’s an even tougher proposition. We’ve got some tips for those with hearing loss in Las Vegas who are still scouring the aisles for last-minute gifts. We can’t tell you what to…