3 Common Hearing Aid Misconceptions
Did you know that 48 million people in Las Vegas and around the country suffer from hearing loss? Almost 80 percent of these individuals don’t use their hearing aids. But why? If you have a device that can help improve your quality of life, why would you let it sit in a drawer? Turns out,…
The 6 Types of Medical Allergy Treatments
Are you looking for an allergy treatment that will help you return to your daily life in Las Vegas? For those suffering from seasonal allergies or those whose symptoms are not too severe, medical therapy is the best type of allergy treatment. The Six Categories of Allergy Treatments There are six major categories of medical…
Hearing Aid Maintenance
Hearing Aids Need to be Properly Maintained All expensive purchases require a little upkeep. That fancy pan you bought needs to be seasoned, the sports car needs to have its oil changed and your hearing aids need to be properly maintained. You and your Las Vegas audiologist worked hard to determine the best hearing aid…
Leisure Activities Rife with Loud Noise
May Is Better Hearing & Speech Month:Simple Steps to Protect Your Hearing for a Lifetime With more than half of Americans who experience noise-induced hearing loss not working in noisy jobs, the spotlight turns to what Americans are doing in their leisure time. May 1st marks the beginning of Better Hearing & Speech Month—a time…
Can Young People Also Suffer from Hearing Loss?
Hearing Loss in Children Hearing loss isn’t just a condition that plagues the older generation; children of all ages in Las Vegas, Nevada and around the country can experience a loss of hearing. More babies than you might think have hearing loss, roughly three out of every 1000 babies are born with it. Hearing loss…
Is the pain from allergy shots worth it?
Reduce Allergy Symptoms with Allergy Treatments Allergy Shots are not fun. Understatement of the year much? But really, no one willing signs up for weekly shots. But what if your current allergy treatment is not producing any results? Would you agree to receive regular shots for the next three to five years in exchange for…