Four Consequences of Not Seeking Treatment for Your Hearing Loss
If you struggle with hearing loss, seeking treatment is essential. Unfortunately, millions of Americans who would benefit from hearing aids or other assistive listening devices currently are not using them. Not seeking treatment doesn’t only affect your ability to hear. Research has shown that untreated hearing loss leads to a poorer quality of life. Let’s…
Facts About Seniors & Hearing Loss for Audiology Awareness Month
Hearing loss caused by advancing age, known medically as presbycusis, affects approximately two-thirds of Americans over the age of 70, reports an article published in the National Library of Medicine. Below we review everything you need to know about presbycusis in honor of Audiology Awareness Month. What Causes Presbycusis? There are many contributing factors when…
How to Support a Loved One with Hearing Loss Who’s in a Nursing Home
Hearing loss is common among older people. In fact, according to one estimate, “70% to 90% of elderly residents in long-term care facilities have some degree of hearing impairment.” Unfortunately, despite the prevalence of hearing loss in nursing homes, many facility workers don’t know how to help care for hearing aids. When researchers for one…
What Is Mixed Hearing Loss & How Is It Treated?
Hearing loss is common, affecting approximately 48 million people across the country. But despite its prevalence, only one in five people who could benefit from hearing aids actually wears them, and those who do wait an average of 10 years to seek treatment. While some forms of hearing loss are more complex to treat –…
Machine Learning Enhances Speech Recognition
Scientists are continually trying to understand all the ways hearing loss affects people. One of the biggest ways is how it makes understanding speech much more difficult. To that end, researchers in Germany are looking at how machine learning can enhance speech recognition in people with hearing loss. What is Machine Learning? According to IBM,…
Treating Hearing Loss to Protect Your Brain
Untreated hearing loss has been linked to higher rates of cognitive decline and dementia, in part because of the way it can change your brain. The good news is that there is research to show that these changes may be reversed with the use of hearing aids. How Hearing Loss Affects Your Brain Hearing loss…
When to Have Your Hearing Tested and Why It’s Important
There are a number of factors that go into determining when you should have your hearing tested. Understanding when to get a hearing test is crucial, as untreated hearing loss has been linked to a wide range of physical and mental health issues. The Difference Between a Hearing Test and Hearing Screening Going through a…
5 Tips for Preventing Hearing Loss
The most common causes of hearing loss are aging and exposure to loud noises. While there is nothing you can do about the march of time, there are measures you can take to protect your hearing and prevent hearing loss. We outline five of these below. 1. Protect Your Ears from Loud Noises Perhaps the…
Understanding Low-Frequency Hearing Loss
Hearing loss affects more than 48 million Americans. Most have trouble hearing the chirping of birds and the voices of women and children. But for a small group, their hearing loss affects their ability to hear low-frequency sounds. How You Hear Sounds When you hear your doorbell ring, there is a complex process that happens…
Does Hearing Loss Affect Memory?
Untreated hearing loss can have an impact on almost every aspect of your life, including your physical, mental and emotional health. A decrease in your ability to retain and recall information is the newest impact experts are associating with hearing loss. Hearing Loss & Concentration In order to follow a conversation, those with hearing loss…